








D 耶穌像 江蘇吳縣出生的刺繡藝術大師沈壽女士(1874~1921年)的仿真繡《耶穌像》,由其丈夫余覺親自送到舊金山,參加世博會的展覽,標價13000美元。其間與貴州茅臺酒等商品,一塊榮獲眾多金獎中的一等獎。后因價高沒有售出,世博會結束,便運回了南通沈壽處,現(xiàn)由江蘇省收藏。耶穌像



名酒之家app創(chuàng)始人國洪勛茅臺酒獲獎的故事 00:00 / 02:3670% 快捷鍵說明 空格: 播放 / 暫停Esc: 退出全屏 ↑: 音量提高10% ↓: 音量降低10% →: 單次快進5秒 ←: 單次快退5秒按住此處可拖拽 不再出現(xiàn) 可在播放器設置中重新打開小窗播放快捷鍵說明


實際上,巴拿馬博覽會從未對酒類產品單獨評獎,酒與大豆、水果、豬鬃等一同歸入農產品,因而不會單獨把茅臺評為世界第二位的酒實際上,《人民日報》文章有諸多常識性錯誤:“巴拿馬博覽會”并非在南美召開,舉辦地是在美國舊金山;“八大名酒”的概念則最早始于1963年的第二屆全國評酒會;巴拿馬博覽會從未對酒類產品單獨評獎,酒與大豆、水果、豬鬃等一同歸入農產品,因而無所謂世界第一、第二位的酒;白蘭地是酒的一類(指葡萄發(fā)酵后經蒸餾而得到高度酒精,再經橡木桶貯存而成的酒),各國上百種參賽白蘭地,不可能統(tǒng)一獲得“世界第一”的稱號。茅臺酒曾獲1915年巴拿馬世博會金獎,今年應該是第93個年頭了啊。 ~~期待滿意啊~~


、美國招展遣說客華府籌賽總動員 為了慶祝巴拿馬運河建成通航,美國國會1911年2月15日通過決議,1915年在加利福尼亞的舊金山市舉辦巴拿馬國際博覽會。當時的美國總統(tǒng)塔夫脫于1912年2月批準了這一決議,向世界各國發(fā)出了參展邀請。 1912年初,美國派出舊金山大商人羅伯特·大賚(RobertDollar),肩負游說中國新政府派員參加巴拿馬太平洋萬國博覽會的使命專程前來中國。 從有關巴拿馬太平洋萬國博覽會檔案資料中,可以清楚地看到,大賚在促成剛剛成立的中華民國政府下決心傾力參加此次世界博覽會一事上,起到了十分關鍵性的作用。他冒著時局混亂的種種危險,設法到了南京,先后拜訪了臨時大總統(tǒng)孫中山和副總統(tǒng)黎元洪,以及外交總長王寵惠、司法總長伍廷芳、實業(yè)總長張謇等人,報告了美國正在籌備的萬國博覽會的事情,并代表博覽會籌委會,邀請中國政府屆時派員參加。盡管時局維艱,新政府所面臨的問題千頭萬緒,但孫中山先生等還是保證,一旦局勢穩(wěn)定下來,中國新政府將積極設法籌集款項,不僅要派展團參加此次博覽會,而且要辦得比歷屆都好。之后,大賚又北上北京,嘗試同以袁世凱為首的北方政府接觸、溝通。后因受一起針對袁世凱的未遂暗殺事件影響,大賚在京期間未能見到袁世凱。但他還是通過美國駐華公使的幫助,設法見到了北方政府的署理外長胡惟德(外長陸征祥未到任前,由胡惟德署理),表達了美國擬邀中國參加巴拿馬博覽會的意愿。 1914年,巴拿馬博覽會又派勸導員愛旦穆專程來華勸導中國赴賽。他3月抵達上海,4月趕到北京面見了袁世凱,力呈博覽會邀請之盛情和中國參賽之利舉。美國招展遣說客,華府籌賽總動員。正是由于羅伯特·大賚等美國人的游說、牽線搭橋,中國官方和民間對巴拿馬博覽會都有了強烈的反應。朝野普遍認為,這是中國實業(yè)界觀摩學習的好機會。通過這次博覽會,可以促進中美之間的了解和加強同世界各國經貿關系的發(fā)展,并由此加快中國物產的改良。因此,主張中國必須積極參與。 在這種共識和一片呼聲中,中國政府于1914年5月作出參展決定。中華民國政府當時的大總統(tǒng)袁世凱批示,由工商部、農林部、教育部、財政部協(xié)同負責籌備有關參展事宜。任命陳琪為赴美賽會監(jiān)督兼籌備巴拿馬賽會事務局局長,選定成員,成立籌備“巴拿馬賽會事務局”。編訂辦事章程和中國赴賽展品分類方法,通知并動員各省籌辦參展物產。各省也先后相繼成立“赴賽出品協(xié)會”,負責征集產品。1914年初至7月,中國政府又成立了駐美事務局,開始組織赴美賽會觀光團。有關部門也通過了赴賽建筑中國專館的圖式和方案,派專人前往舊金山博覽會現(xiàn)場修建中國館。 據此,中國政府一方面遴選赴展能人,除商業(yè)樞紐、通都大邑等地的人才外,還特別注重選擇一定比例的內地土特產地的商貿人才。并根據實際情況,對他們進行有針對性的培訓。教授一些常用的英語、禮儀、外貿、裝潢、繪圖、攝影等知識和技術,以使之能較好完成參賽的推展和學習交流任務。另一方面,派員兵分三路,本著凡是能體現(xiàn)中國國格,增添中國榮光的產品,要大力倡導參賽;凡是粗劣、陋俗以及帶有國恥的商品,一律不準許參展的原則,赴各省督辦和審查參賽物品。北路負責直隸、山東、奉天、吉林;中路負責河南、湖北、湖南、江西、安徽;南路負責江蘇、浙江、福建、廣東;一些較邊遠的省份,則就近并入以上各省接受審查。 五年前舉辦的南洋勸業(yè)會,為此次巴拿馬博覽會在參賽人員的組織和參賽物品的征集等方面提供了很好的基礎。所以,到1914年底,短短幾個月中,中國便迅速組成了以陳其為首的40余人赴美參賽代表團。其中有監(jiān)督一人,專任和兼任委員各4人,事務員8人,各省委員等19人,雇員5人。他們不少都是曾參與舉辦南洋勸業(yè)會的骨干。代表團于12月6日由上海出發(fā),12月29日安全抵達美國舊金山。同時,籌備參賽物品的工作也緊鑼密鼓地展開。如廣東等很多地方在征集參賽展品時,基本上就是依照南洋勸業(yè)會獲獎名冊按圖索驥。凡在南洋勸業(yè)會上獲獎的商家,一律敦請?zhí)峁┱蛊穮⒓影湍民R博覽會。貴州省也依舊以“茅臺造酒公司”的名義,推薦了“成義”、“榮和”兩家作坊的茅臺酒樣酒參展。貴州除茅臺酒之外,還有科學儀器乘方積木和小學教育參展(最終獲得大獎)。二、茅臺間借“酒香為媒”評委徑授“榮譽勛章” 中國政府館正式開幕后,巴拿馬博覽會逐步進入高潮。各國展品經其本國代表詳細介紹、演示,觀眾反復比較、交流,突出者漸獲公論。當時,以農業(yè)產品為主力的中國展品,一開始是沒有多少特別吸引力的,每日參觀者不是很多。茅臺酒更是裝在一種深褐色的陶罐中,不僅包裝本身就較為簡陋土氣,而且又是陳列在農業(yè)館,雜列在棉、麻、大豆、食油等產品中,根本一點也不起眼。 因茅臺酒有在南洋勸業(yè)會獲獎的歷史,很受中國代表團推重。怕這樣有競爭力的展品被埋沒在農業(yè)館,于是有代表提出將茅臺酒


上海世博會英語作文—china and world expoon december, 2002, china won the bid to hosting expo 2010.this is the first general exhibition hosted by a developing country; however, china has a long-standing relationship with world expo. chinese people have participated in world expo since its first presence. after wining its liberation, the people’s republic of china has taken part in 12 world expositions. chinese exhibits won many prizes in previous world expositions. the yisheng wine was awarded with the gold medal at expo 1906 milan italy; many others like the embroidery of the portrait of jesus, gold prize brandy , and mao-tai chiew were among the highlights at the panama-pacific international exposition—san francisco 1915.2002年12月31日,中國成功申辦2010年世博會,這是第一次在發(fā)展中國家舉辦的綜合類世博會。但中國與世博會的淵源可長呢,從第一屆世博會起,就有中國人參展。建國后,中國也參加了12屆世博會。并且中國的展品在歷屆世博會上獲得過很多獎項,比如在首屆世博會上,來自中國上海的商人徐榮村,就憑其自己的“榮記湖絲”獲金、銀大獎;“頤生酒”在1906年意大利米蘭世博會上獲金獎,還有《耶穌像》刺繡、金獎白蘭地和著名的茅臺酒等都在1915年舊金山巴拿馬世博會上傲視群雄。china has taken an active part in the work of bie since it joined the bie on may 3, 1993. in december 2003 ,mr. wu jianmin, the chinese ambassador to france at that time, was elected as the chairperson of bie, and succeeded himself to the second consecutive term. it’s the first time in bie history that an asian occupied such an important position。上海世博會英語作文—china and world expoon december, 2002, china won the bid to hosting expo 2010.this is the first general exhibition hosted by a developing country; however, china has a long-standing relationship with world expo. chinese people have participated in world expo since its first presence. after wining its liberation, the people’s republic of china has taken part in 12 world expositions. chinese exhibits won many prizes in previous world expositions. the yisheng wine was awarded with the gold medal at expo 1906 milan italy; many others like the embroidery of the portrait of jesus, gold prize brandy , and mao-tai chiew were among the highlights at the panama-pacific international exposition—san francisco 1915.2002年12月31日,中國成功申辦2010年世博會,這是第一次在發(fā)展中國家舉辦的綜合類世博會。但中國與世博會的淵源可長呢,從第一屆世博會起,就有中國人參展。建國后,中國也參加了12屆世博會。并且中國的展品在歷屆世博會上獲得過很多獎項,比如在首屆世博會上,來自中國上海的商人徐榮村,就憑其自己的“榮記湖絲”獲金、銀大獎;“頤生酒”在1906年意大利米蘭世博會上獲金獎,還有《耶穌像》刺繡、金獎白蘭地和著名的茅臺酒等都在1915年舊金山巴拿馬世博會上傲視群雄。china has taken an active part in the work of bie since it joined the bie on may 3, 1993. in december 2003 ,mr. wu jianmin, the chinese ambassador to france at that time, was elected as the chairperson of bie, and succeeded himself to the second consecutive term. it’s the first time in bie history that an asian occupied such an important position。


Expo and meEverybody knows the solemn Expo will coming. The Expo will be held on the first of May and end on the thirtieth of October. There over 184 days to go for World Expo. Expo’s lovely mascot is “Haibao”.Haibao is wearing a blue dress and he is very popular now.Expo has many building. The China pavilion is near my home. I see it everyday. It has seven red. I am a student in Shanghai in China. What can I do for Expo? I think the first is we must study hard in English because millions of foreigners will visit Shanghai during 2010 World Expo.If a foreigners has some problem. I will help them. If a person go an astray. I will tell him how to go and tell them the theme of World Expo is”Better city Better life.” Secoondy,We can draw some picture and tell the people don’t do something.Some sign means”Don’t pick flower”and so on.The third,we will do a volunteer.When you see some people wear the same colour dress then they are volunteer.Expo will coming.Let’s go to help everybody ! 拜托你透露下你學校名字Expo and meEverybody knows the solemn Expo will coming. The Expo will be held on the first of May and end on the thirtieth of October. There over 184 days to go for World Expo. Expo’s lovely mascot is “Haibao”.Haibao is wearing a blue dress and he is very popular now.Expo has many building. The China pavilion is near my home. I see it everyday. It has seven red. I am a student in Shanghai in China. What can I do for Expo? I think the first is we must study hard in English because millions of foreigners will visit Shanghai during 2010 World Expo.If a foreigners has some problem. I will help them. If a person go an astray. I will tell him how to go and tell them the theme of World Expo is”Better city Better life.” Secoondy,We can draw some picture and tell the people don’t do something.Some sign means”Don’t pick flower”and so on.The third,we will do a volunteer.When you see some people wear the same colour dress then they are volunteer.Expo will coming.Let’s go to help everybody !  博覽會和我  大家都知道這莊嚴的博覽會將來臨。這個博覽會將于五月一日、十月三十。有184天去世界博覽會?! 〔┯[會的可愛的吉祥物是“Haibao " . Haibao穿一條藍色的裙子,他現(xiàn)在很受歡迎有許多建筑博覽會。中國亭子是我家附近。我每天看到了。7個紅?! ∥沂且幻麑W生在中國上海。我能幫什么忙博覽會嗎?  我認為首先我們必須努力學習英語,因為成千上萬的外國人將訪問上海世博如果一個外國人有一些問題。我將幫助他們。如果一個人走一走錯了路。我會告訴他如何去告訴他們世博會的主題是“城市更好的生活?!薄 ecoondy,我們可以得出一些圖片和告訴人們不要做某事…一些跡象表示“不摘花”等等。  第三,我們將做志愿者當你看到有人穿同樣的顏色衣服則是自愿的?! 〔┯[會將來臨讓我們去幫助大家! 樓上的翻譯、、 China and World Expo On December, 2002, China won the bid to hosting Expo 2010.This is the first General Exhibition hosted by a developing country; However, China has a long-standing relationship with World Expo. Chinese people have participated in World Expo since its first presence. After wining its liberation, the  People’s Republic of China has taken part in 12 world expositions. Chinese exhibits won many prizes in previous world expositions. The Yisheng Wine was awarded with the gold medal at Expo 1906 Milan Italy; many others like the embroidery of the Portrait of Jesus, Gold Prize Brandy , and Mao-Tai Chiew were among the highlights at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition—San Francisco 1915. 2002年12月31日,中國成功申辦2010年世博會,這是第一次在發(fā)展中國家舉辦的綜合類世博會。但中國與世博會的淵源可長呢,從第一屆世博會起,就有中國人參展。建國后,中國也參加了12屆世博會。并且中國的展品在歷屆世博會上獲得過很多獎項,比如在首屆世博會上,來自中國上海的商人徐榮村,就憑其自己的“榮記湖絲”獲金、銀大獎;“頤生酒”在1906年意大利米蘭世博會上獲金獎,還有《耶穌像》刺繡、金獎白蘭地和著名的茅臺酒等都在1915年舊金山巴拿馬世博會上傲視群雄。 China has taken an active part in the work of BIE since it joined the BIE on May 3, 1993. In December 2003 ,Mr. Wu Jianmin, the Chinese ambassador to France at that time, was elected as the Chairperson of BIE, and succeeded himself to the second consecutive term. It’s the first time in BIE history that an Asian occupied such an important position.

