

料酒黃酒Rice wine with rice wine 料酒 [詞典] cooking wine; [例句]嗯,我需要一瓶做牛排和大蝦的料酒。Yes. I need a bottle of table wine that would go well with steak and prawns.
你好!料酒黃酒Rice wine with rice wine
料酒黃酒Rice wine with rice wine
yellow wine cooking wine



紅酒1.vin rouge 2.cabernet 3.claret 4.red wine 白酒1.spirit usually distilled from sorghum or maize 2.white spirit 3.samshu 4.distillate spirits黃酒1.yellow wine 2.rice wine 3.glutinous rice wine啤酒1.beer2.malt3.suds4.lager5.cerevisia洋酒import wine and spirits洋酒就是進口酒類的總稱。包含各種不同酒精含量的酒水品種。
紅酒:red wine白酒:white spirit / distilled spirit黃酒:rice wine啤酒:Beer洋酒:foreign wine / imported wine


3,紅酒白酒黃酒啤酒洋酒 用英語都怎么說

紅酒1.vin rouge 2.Cabernet 3.claret 4.red wine 白酒1.spirit usually distilled from sorghum or maize 2.white spirit 3.samshu 4.distillate spirits黃酒1.yellow wine 2.rice wine 3.glutinous rice wine啤酒1.beer2.malt3.suds4.lager5.cerevisia洋酒import wine and spirits洋酒就是進口酒類的總稱。包含各種不同酒精含量的酒水品種。
清亮、無沉淀的紅酒; clear, sediment - free claret; 白酒 distilled spirit黃酒 yellow wine啤酒 beerbrewagemaltsuds

紅酒白酒黃酒啤酒洋酒 用英語都怎么說


茅臺酒四特酒花雕酒五糧液酒汾酒 擴展資料名酒選購的要求:商標在選購時,應該認準真酒商標上的“中國四川瀘州曲酒廠”或“四川省瀘州曲酒廠”字樣,外銷酒為“中國四川瀘州酒廠”8個字,沒有分廠的名稱。假酒為達到以假亂真的目的,常常標注與真酒字音雷同的廠名,如“瀘州老窖曲酒”等。真酒為全瓶貼注商標,中間有“瀘州老窖”4個小字和“特曲酒”3個大字,上面中央還有用麥穗組成的圓形商標圖案與顏色.。封口真酒在瓶蓋封口膠套上印有“瀘州曲酒廠”的字樣。金屬防盜蓋上印有“中國四川瀘州曲酒廠特曲(頭曲)”的字樣。假酒沒有封口膠套,即使用真瓶裝假酒也可以用這個方法鑒別出來。另外還可以從商標的新舊程序加以區(qū)別。
茅臺好象就是maotai 五糧液就是wuliangye
茅臺酒 [解釋]:Mao-Tai chiew; maotai (a Chinese liquor) [參考詞典]:漢英綜合大詞典 漢英進出口商品詞匯大全 四特酒 花雕酒 五糧液酒 董酒 汾酒 郎酒 苦艾酒[烈酒] absinthe 陳年酒 杜康酒 桂花陳酒 高粱紅酒 高粱酒 人參酒 ginseng liquor; ginseng liquor 醇香酒 龜齡集酒 龜龍液[酒] 龜鹿酒 tortoise deer wine; tortoise deer wine 龜茸酒 黿魚酒 尖莊酒 特曲酒 三寶酒 劍南春酒 汾特佳酒 汾州黃酒 中山米酒 二曲[酒] 洮南香酒 沱牌曲酒 山東老酒 武陵酒 黃鶴樓酒 三鞭補酒 tonic tincture of three animal penes; tonic tincture of three animal penes 糯<江>米酒 glutinous rice wine 糯米酒 glutinous rice wine 低度酒 proof spirit; table wine; mild wine 低度啤酒 1.light ale; (Am.) lite beer; pale ale 西鳳酒 五加皮酒 陳缸酒 迎賓酒 金絲棗酒 口子酒 郎泉酒 參杞補酒 lycium-ginseng tonic wine 參茸酒 ginseng and antler wine; medicated wine of ginseng and pilose antler 參茸藥酒 ginseng antler medical liquor; ginseng antler medicated liquor 杜仲酒 eucommia wine; eucommia wine 即墨老酒 散裝啤酒 draught beer 楠藥補酒 紹興米酒 雙蒸酒 竹葉青酒 [解釋]:bamboo leaf green liquor Green Bamboo Leaf Liquor bamboo leaf green liquor; Green Bamboo Leaf Liquor [參考詞典]:漢英綜合大詞典 漢英進出口商品詞匯大全 古井貢酒 月宮桂酒 桃山白酒 蓮花白酒 千山白酒 洞庭酒 大曲酒 中國參芪酒 Chinese ginseng and astragali wine 通化葡萄酒 東北三寶酒 金絲燕窩酒 蠶蛾公補酒 male silkworm moth tonic 靈芝人參酒 ganoderma ginseng wine; ganoderma ginseng wine 紹興花雕酒 紹興加飯酒 紹興善釀酒 紹興香雪酒 中國養(yǎng)生酒 China nutritious liquor 天麻糯米酒 rhizoma gastrodiae glutinous rice wine 李時珍補酒 人參靈芝大補酒 ginseng glossy ganoderma tonic wine; ginseng glossy ganoderma tonic wine 北京白葡萄酒 北京百補養(yǎng)元酒 北京干白葡萄酒 北京干紅葡萄酒 北京桂花陳酒 北京紅葡萄酒 特制北醇葡萄酒 special 特制黃鶴樓酒 煙臺白葡萄酒 煙臺紅葡萄酒 王朝白葡萄酒 Dynasty white wine; Dynasty white wine 王朝紅葡萄酒 Dynasty red wine; Dynasty red wine