

wine 白酒beer 啤酒cocktail 雞尾酒vodka 伏特加



1、Vodka 伏特加伏特加主要使用含有淀粉的例如potato土豆、rice稻子、wheat小麥、rye黑麥等制成。說起伏特加,很多朋友會想到戰(zhàn)斗民族俄羅斯人,是的,伏特加是俄羅斯的傳統(tǒng)酒精飲料,但是后續(xù)已經(jīng)發(fā)展到世界各地,美國、法國、波蘭、瑞典等國都有世界級別的伏特加品牌。2、Rum 朗姆酒朗姆酒,是以甘蔗糖蜜為原料生產(chǎn)的一種蒸餾酒,也稱為糖酒、蘭姆酒、藍(lán)姆酒。原產(chǎn)地在古巴,口感甜潤、芬芳馥郁。朗姆酒是用甘蔗壓出來的糖汁,經(jīng)過發(fā)酵、蒸餾而成。根據(jù)不同的原料和釀制不同方法,朗姆酒可分為:朗姆白酒、朗姆老酒、淡朗姆酒、朗姆常酒、強(qiáng)香朗姆酒等,含酒精38%~50%、酒液有琥珀色、棕色,也有無色的。3、Tequila 龍舌蘭Tequila 是墨西哥的特產(chǎn),被稱為墨西哥的靈魂。特基拉是墨西哥的一個(gè)小鎮(zhèn), 此酒以產(chǎn)地得名。該酒是以龍舌蘭為原料經(jīng)過蒸餾制作而成的一款蒸餾酒。龍舌蘭酒常常用來當(dāng)作基酒調(diào)制各種雞尾酒,常見的雞尾酒有特基拉日出 Tequila Sunrise、斗牛士Matador /mtdr/、霜凍瑪格麗特等 。4、Gin 金酒 / 杜松子酒金酒/杜松子酒是以大麥、黑麥、玉米等谷物為原料,經(jīng)過發(fā)酵、蒸餾而成,且杜松子、桂皮、甘草、檸檬皮等多種香料來取浸泡,調(diào)香而成的。主要香料是杜松子,因此才叫做杜松子酒。5、Whisk(e)y 威士忌威士忌是以谷物、大麥、黑麥、燕麥、玉米等為原料,經(jīng)發(fā)酵、蒸餾后放入橡木桶中醇化而釀成的烈性酒。最著名的有英格蘭威士忌、愛爾蘭威士忌、美國威士忌、加拿大威士忌。不同的威士忌酒在于這個(gè)釀制過程中使用的谷物種類、蒸餾方法和木桶的存放等不同。






  白酒是以糧谷為主要原料,以大曲、小曲或麩曲及酒母等為糖化發(fā)酵劑,經(jīng)蒸煮、糖化、發(fā)酵、蒸餾而制成的蒸餾酒。酒質(zhì)無色或微黃透明,氣味芳香純正,綿甜爽凈,酒精含量較高,經(jīng)貯存老熟后,具有以酯類為主體的復(fù)合香味。那么你知道嗎?下面來學(xué)習(xí)一下吧。    白酒英文說法1:   white wine    白酒英文說法2:   white spirit    白酒的英文例句:   這個(gè)莊園總體上是一個(gè)高質(zhì)量白酒的產(chǎn)地。   The estate is generally a producer of high quality wines.   新型白酒將具有更加廣闊的前景。   New type liquor will have even broader prospects.   奧利弗從冰箱的架子上拿了一瓶白酒。   Oliver plucked a bottle of white wine from the rack in the fridge door.   這種白酒味道淡得像水。   The wine tastes as bland as water.   因此,我們將其作為一種帶有自然風(fēng)味的高階白酒介紹給他們。   So we introduce it to them as a premium white spirit with a natural flavor.   白酒泡小辣椒能治脫發(fā)嗎?   Can liquor bubble *** all chili treat trichomadesis?   緊張的男人喝白酒,入侵別國。   Uptight men drink alcohol and invade another country.   廁所是冷藏啤酒和白酒的最佳場所。   A toilet is the best place to keep beer and alcohol chilled.   白酒和葡萄酒同上。   The same goes for wine and spirits.   基于三維熒光光譜特性的白酒聚類分析研究   Cluster *** ysis of distilled spirit based on three-dim fluorescent spectra   中國人吃飯的時(shí)候喝白酒。   Chinese people drink white spirit when they eat.   本工藝不但解決了白酒廠酒糟污染問題,而且可獲得較好的經(jīng)濟(jì)效益。   This techniques not only can solute the lees contamination in liquor factory but also obtain a good economic effect.   中國的白酒主要是從發(fā)酵的谷物中蒸餾而來。   Chinese spirits have been distilled mainly from fermented cereals.   產(chǎn)于法國盧瓦爾河河谷的白酒。   dry white wine from the Loire Valley in France.   趵突泉芝麻香白酒的風(fēng)格特點(diǎn)及工藝技術(shù)要點(diǎn)   Styles, Characteristics& Technical Points of Baotuquan Sesame-flavor Liquor   利用大口徑毛細(xì)管柱快速判定白酒真假   The Use of Wide-bore Capillary Column Quickly Determine Liquor True   法律規(guī)定可以免稅帶兩瓶甜酒或白酒以及一條煙。   The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty-free.   我國白酒行業(yè)總體概況和發(fā)展趨勢分析   General Situation and Trends of Distilled Spirit Trade in China   比如白酒配白肉,紅酒配紅肉,還有其他諸如此類的規(guī)則讓你去遵守。   White wine with fish, red wine with red meat and other such norms you are expected to follow.   把化工行業(yè)的相關(guān)技術(shù),應(yīng)用在白酒的生產(chǎn)過程中,讓計(jì)算機(jī)幫助做酒體的勾調(diào)混合、老熟等后續(xù)工作。   The interrelation technology of the chemical industry were applied in the process of production of the distilled spirit, and let puter to assist to do the later works e.g.blending and aging.

5,別人送的酒只有這樣的英文cabernet shiraz有知道的嗎

cabernet, 紅葡萄酒Shiraz, (澳大利亞)西拉(葡萄及葡萄酒)產(chǎn)自澳大利亞的西拉紅葡萄酒
奔富酒園蔻蘭山西拉子解佰納紅葡萄酒 幾百塊! 對酒水 感興趣可以關(guān)注下 酒大網(wǎng)哦! 即將上線啦。。。


1, Maotai wine country - liquor, 2, Wu Liang Arima - Wuliangye Liquor, 3, Heng Fa Chuen, Hong Fen - Xinghuacun Fen, 4, Luzhou - Luzhou, 5, West Feng Chaoyang - Xifeng Jiu, 6, Jiannanchun strong - Spring Jiannan, 7, Dong collection of wine - wine Dong, 8, Furui-year-old Gong - Gong ancient wine, 9, the ancient Yue Yongsan - the ancient Yue Longshan Shaoxing rice wine license, 10, Jiro old Lin - Langjiu, 11, Longyan Shen-cylinder - Longyan Shen wine tanks, 12, Shangri-La - Shangri-La stem barley secret possession of alcohol, 13, Tuopai long - Tuopai Liquor, 14, Yanghe grade - Daqu Yanghe, 15, shuanggou drunk monkeys - shuanggou Daqu, 16, Quanxing everything - Daqu Quanxing, 17, Puli familiar yellow - Puli Shaoxing rice wine, 18, the old boiler burning - Erguotou wine, 19, Hengshui dry white - Laobaigan Hengshui, 20, and when Furnace Wenjun - Wenjun Liquor, 21, Wuling old butter - Wuling wine, 22, Xiang Quan such as beads - Xiangquan wine, 23, Qi drunkard - alcoholic liquor, 24, to lift the spirits of Yili - Yili wine, 25, Yichuandukang - Dukang wine, 26, Qing Chun Guizhou - Guizhou alcohol, 27, Homebrew Taiwan - Taiwan Homebrew wine, 28, Sally Taibai State - too white wine, 29, Green Trimeresurus - Trimeresurus, 30, Rice spent dust - rice wine flowers, 31, three fresh flowers - three Huajiu, 32, Luk Fook Gold - Jin Liufu wine, 33, two-Jiujiang steam - double-distilled rice wine Jiujiang, 34, Xi Yun-odd wine - wine study 35, Green wine fragrance - green wine 36, Anhui liquor title - Wang Wan wine wine, 37, Beijing Alcohols Lantern - Chinese Lantern Beijing alcohol licensing, 38, the Loop Wang Feng - Wang Hetao wine, 39, four plasma Teqiong - four special wine, 40, Wai black glutinous water - water-hui and glutinous rice wine, 41, the ancestral Fung - Fung wine, 42, sweet-scented osmanthus Guilin - Guilin Osmanthus fragrans liquor license, 43, the Yellow Crane Tower - Yellow Crane Tower Liquor, 44, Little River Duck - Duck Creek wine cellar, 45, Lai Mao burn Square - the beginning of Lai wine, 46, Tan Kai-hole - hole wine, 47, Tianyi well - Tianyi wine, 48, Jingzhi think of taste - wine Jingzhi, 49, drunk at the Jing-Yang - Jing Yanggang wine, 50, Jin strong card - strong liquor, 51, an immeasurable wine - wine-an, 52, Xiao-xian confused - confused cents 53, double back to the sand - the sand back to the Sands wine, 54, Jane rare wine - wine-zhen, 55, Pingba taste chang - Pingba wine cellar, 56, highland barley and mutual assistance - mutual highland barley wine, 57, hot Deshan intestine - kuh-liquor, 58, Changle long life - longevity Changle wine, 59, Tujia earth - Tujia wine, 60, 25, chattered - 25 chattered light wine, 61, Jin liquor on file - Jin Jin liquor license, 62, River Song imperial seal - River Song liquid food, 63, when Emperor Qianlong Huan - Qianlong wine, 64, Zhang Gong Eagle Shooting - Zhang Gong wine, 65, Zui Xiang Lan - Lan Ling wine, 66, store credit classic - old wine shop on credit, 67, the family Confucian Residence - Confucian Residence house wine, 68, Long Zhongdui - Long Zhongdui wine, 69, a net wells Gan - Shuijing Fang wine, 70, Ningcheng cellar for a long time - Ningcheng Laojiao, 71, the warehouse full of Beijing University - Beijing University of liquor stores, 72, the seed of gold - gold seeds of wine, 73, Chang quickly double - double wine 74, the day-made ditch Tom - Tom ditch special song, 75, to set up Fangzi - Fangzi liquor, 76, the vast white clouds - white wine side, 77, ice-burning soy - soy flavor ice-burn rice wine, 78, Liu Ling dim - Liu Ling drink, 79, Tang Sin Ti - Sin liquor, wine drunk Sin, 80, Bandao Old Well - well Bandao wine, 81, Qian-Chun Gao light - Guizhou Spring, 82, China Zhijiang tongue - Zhijiang wine, 83, Shi Hua Zi voice - Hua Jiu Shi, 84, yet to Jingui - Jingui special song, 85, Lung-bin delicious - Lung-bin wine, 86, Xue-Qin charm - Cao Xueqin wine 87, the fine white sand play - Pak wine liquid, 88, Yangshao sweet wine of God - nine Yangshao wine,


A glass of wine Half glass of wine A full glass of wine
A glass of wine一杯酒 Half glass of wine半杯酒 A full glass of wine一滿杯酒


莫基多:(英文名:mokido)原料:5厘升龍涎香朗姆酒、一滴綠檸檬鮮榨汁、一滴糖汁、4片鮮薄荷葉、汽水 制法:先將薄荷葉放到雞尾酒杯里,加朗姆酒,用力搖勻直至薄荷散發(fā)出香味。按個(gè)人口味加冰屑、檸檬汁和糖汁。加汽水搖勻。插一根麥管,你就可以品味神秘的莫基多了!

9,你知道 英文怎么說

do you know ? 你知道嗎? you know that ? 你知道?
Did you know?
you know?……后接一些問話,前面的意為,你知道吧?比較口語化。 Do you know……這是比較正式的說法。 you Know that(或者this)?這里,that(或者this,是代詞,表示前面問到的或后面提到的,一般不單獨(dú)使用。 用得比較多的是第二種。

10,念念不忘必有回響 英文怎么翻譯

念念不忘,必有回響 英文:something you keep in mind will blossom somedayblossom 讀法 英 [?bl?s?m] 美 [?blɑ?s?m] n.(尤指果樹或灌木的)花朵,花簇v.開花;變得更加健康(或自信、成功)短語:1、in blossom 盛開2、plum blossom 梅花3、cherry blossom 櫻花4、orange blossom 香橙花;橙花雞尾酒5、in full blossom 正開著花擴(kuò)展資料詞義辨析:bloom, flower, blossom這組詞都有“花”的意思,其區(qū)別是:bloom 主要指諸如牡丹、玫瑰、梅花、菊花等供觀賞的花以及花的狀態(tài)。flower 指開放的花朵或泛指花卉。blossom 一般指樹木開花,尤指果樹上開的花。詞語用法:blossom的基本意思是“開花”,指植物達(dá)到了開花的狀態(tài)特別指開始要結(jié)果的狀態(tài)。blossom是不及物動詞,其后常接副詞out或介詞into,表示“成熟,成長”。例句:1、The sunshine will bring out the blossom.陽光將使花朵開放。2、The tree was covered with beautiful pink blossom.這樹開滿了美麗的粉紅色的花。
constantly thinking will brings you something unexpected自己翻譯的,希望能幫到你。。。
念念不忘,必有回響的英文:something you keep in mind will blossom somedaymind 讀法 英 [ma?nd] 美 [ma?nd] 1、n. 理智,精神;意見;智力;記憶力2、vt. 介意;專心于;照料3、vi. 介意;注意短語:1、an open mind 虛心2、have in mind 考慮;想到3、make up your mind 下定你的決心4、mind control 精神控制;心靈控制5、out of mind 心不在焉;忘卻;發(fā)狂擴(kuò)展資料詞義辨析:intellect, wit, wisdom, mind, intelligence這組詞都有“智力,智慧”的意思,其區(qū)別是:1、intellect 側(cè)重不受感情或意志左右的冷靜思考或領(lǐng)悟能力。2、wit 指先天的才能、智力、意識等,隱含小聰明意味。3、wisdom 較文雅,也可指明智的言行。4、mind 使用廣泛,無褒貶之意。強(qiáng)調(diào)諸如認(rèn)識、記憶、思考、決定等的智慧功能。5、intelligence 指處理或?qū)Ω秵栴}或情況的特殊才智;也指運(yùn)用、展開智慧的能力。詞語用法:1、mind的基本意思是“留心”“注意”“當(dāng)心”,強(qiáng)調(diào)全心全意去注意。可用作及物動詞,也可用作不及物動詞,用作及物動詞時(shí),接名詞、代詞、動詞不定式(多為否定式)、動名詞或that/wh-從句作賓語。2、mind作“照顧”解時(shí),側(cè)重于護(hù)衛(wèi)和保護(hù),使之不受傷害或發(fā)生意外,接名詞或代詞作賓語。3、mind還可作“介意”“關(guān)心”“在乎”“反對”解。主要用于疑問、否定、條件句中??捎米鞑患拔飫釉~,也可用作及物動詞,接名詞、代詞、動名詞、if/that/wh-從句作賓語。4、如該動詞的邏輯主語不是句子的主語時(shí),該動名詞前須加物主代詞、人稱代詞或名詞的所有格表示其邏輯主體。這時(shí)通常不可變?yōu)楸粍咏Y(jié)構(gòu)。mind作“介意”解時(shí)還可接以形容詞充當(dāng)補(bǔ)足語的復(fù)合賓語。
something you keep in mind will blossom someday.我自己翻譯的,不知道準(zhǔn)不準(zhǔn)確,你可以參考一下。
Something that stays in your mind will someday spring up in your life.

