木桐嘉棣怎么寫(木桐 木桐嘉棣)

木桐 木桐嘉棣


1.ArgumentationArgumentation, or argumentation theory, is the interdisciplinary study of how humans should, can, and do reach conclusions through logical reasoning, that is, claims based, soundly or not, on premises。

2. It includes the arts and sciences of civil debate, dialogue, conversation, and persuasion。

3. It studies rules of inference, logic, and procedural rules in both artificial and real world settings。

4.Argumentation includes debate and negotiation which are concerned with reaching mutually acceptable conclusions。

5. It also enpasses eristic dialog, the branch of social debate in which victory over an opponent is the primary goal。

6. This art and science is often the means by which people protect their beliefs or self-interests in rational dialogue, in mon parlance, and during the process of arguing。

7.開頭段的寫法第一句:背景句(最多2句)【要有個性】第二句:主題句(題目同義替換)【可以套用模板】第三句:觀點句主題句的寫法:some people / other people→proponents/opponents→those in favour of。

8.。。/opponents of 。。?!鷄dvocates/adversaries→supporters/criticsSpecific:→technophiles/technophobes→vivisectionists/antivivisectionists→animal rights activists animal rights extremists→environmentalists→parents and educatorsThink, believe→suggest, claim, assert→insist, hold, maintain, argue, contend→raise the doubt whether…→be concerned that…→worry that…*當(dāng)觀點明顯偏向負(fù)面的話,不用說正*當(dāng)背景句已經(jīng)說了正面,那么主題句中不用再交代正面動詞形式向名詞形式轉(zhuǎn)換e。

9.g。: some/other people believe…→There is a belief that… There is a perception that… , while a counterargument is that… There is much controversy/a heated debate over whether… It is/has been a controversial/contentious issue/an issue of controversy/debate in our society whether… It has sparked/stirred/aroused much controversy/a heated debate in our society whether…*以上用于引出反方觀點 There is some concern about…/over whether… *比較溫柔背景句的寫法: 交代主題句產(chǎn)生的原因【常用】 人們熟知的社會現(xiàn)象【常用】 引用名人事例 交代事物的另一方面【常用】 下定義【常用】 引出一方觀點例1:Some people who have been successful in society don’t attribute their success to the theoretical knowledge they learned from their university。

10. Do you agree or disagree?可用名人例:Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg例2:Advertising is discouraging people from being different individuals and makes people to be or seem to be the same。

11.Penetrate, infiltrate, facilitate, play an indispensible role in our society一些有用的替換:Today, Nowadays→In recent years→At present→Currently→In modern society→In contemporary societyThere are more and more…→There is an increasing number/amount of …→The number/amount of … is increasing/has increased。

12.→There is/has been an (…) increase in the number/amount of …【使用There be句型的時候要注意不要出現(xiàn)兩個謂語】… is being more and more popular。

13.→… is being increasingly popular?!?is gaining (worldwide) popularity。







5.雖然大公墓會有專門的“管理者”,但就像幾個警察面對一大群哄搶的暴民一樣,管不了那么多。紙做的金元寶或一些金條(2000~3000 個,那邊的硬通貨),2-3 張超市,香3根(普通的小香即可),一條棍子,信封錢袋(作用相當(dāng)于寄信要有信封和郵票)。



遵從:韓語的話是??? 或者是 ????


