葡萄酒局英語怎么說(葡萄酒 英語怎么說)

葡萄酒 英語怎么說

一.“葡萄酒” 英語怎么寫?



1.grape [ɡre?p] n。葡萄,葡萄樹;深紫色;[軍]葡萄彈例句:他為我從藤上剪下了一些葡萄。

2.He cut some grapes for me from the vine。她把葡萄放到一個大盤子上。

3.She put the grapes onto the platter?!局V】狐貍吃不到葡萄,就說葡萄酸。

4."The grapes are sour", as the fox said when he could not reach them。

5.他剪下一串葡萄招待我們。He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us。

6.葡萄酒是用葡萄釀成的。Wine is made from grapes。北美的氣候是世界上最適合野生葡萄生長的。

7.North America has the world's best climate for wild grapes。


1.葡萄的英文:GrapeGrape [gre?p]釋義:葡萄;葡萄酒;葡萄樹;葡萄色。人名;(法)格拉普;(德、瑞典)格拉佩。

2.相關短語:Grape seed 葡萄籽 ; 葡萄籽油 ; 澳洲原裝進口柯藍 ; 葡萄子Table Grape 鮮食葡萄Grape Nursery 葡萄苗圃Grape Jelly 葡萄泡泡凍 ; 葡萄軟糖 ; 葡萄膠 ; 葡萄果子凍Purple Grape 紫葡萄 ; 紫色的葡萄butter grape 奶油葡萄grape procyanidins 葡萄多酚 ; 葡多酚 ; 葡萄原花青素 ; 又稱葡萄原花青素grape stalk 葡萄插穗grape scissors 葡萄剪子相關句子:I like all fruits with the exception of grape。

3. 我喜歡所有的水果,就是不喜歡葡萄。Theteam analysed tomato, apple, plum, peach, pear, grape and apricot waste such as the skin, revealing them all to be good sources of antioxidants。

4. 研究小組在對廢棄的番茄,蘋果,李子,桃,梨,葡萄,杏分析后表明,這些果皮都是抗氧化劑的較好資源。If no adaptation measures were taken, these increased heat spikes would "eliminate wine grapeproduction in many areas of the United States," the scientists wrote。

5.如果不采取適當的措施,這些日益增加的熱峰值“將在美國許多地區(qū)淘汰釀酒葡萄的生產?!笨茖W家們寫道。These exotic scent like the cherry on the cake decoration, fragrant wine can bee more richand varied, but not overwhelming, hide from the precious and natural grape aroma。


7.White wine traditionally is made without the use of grape skins。


英語外教說:酒 = wine西洋白酒 = white wine紅酒 = red wine酒類 = liquor (念 li-ker, 牛津英語的話不發(fā)后面的'r' 聲)烈酒類 = hard liquor酒精飲料 = alcoholic beverages, alcohol = 酒精藥類酒精 = spirits


1.中國物流職業(yè)經理資格證書(英文名稱China Professional Logistics Manager Qualification Program以下簡稱CPLM證書)是由中國交通運輸協會和教育部考試中心聯合頒發(fā)的中國物流行業(yè)的職業(yè)資格認證證書。

六.July 16th用英語怎么讀?

sixteenth July--英語專業(yè)D
