

這是韓文的發(fā)音,羅馬拼音,不是英文哦 意思,就是哥哥,女生叫男生的哥哥才這么叫哦 男生叫男生哥哥 是叫 hiong



birth: [ b?:θ ] n. 出身,血統(tǒng),出生,誕生,出現(xiàn),起源例句與用法: 1. She gave birth to a fine healthy baby. 她生了一個健康漂亮的嬰兒。 2. Last year there were many more births than deaths. 去年的出生人數(shù)大于死亡人數(shù)。 3. He is French by birth. 他的父母是法國人。 4. The baby weighed seven pounds at birth. 那嬰兒出生時重七磅。 5. The father was present at the (moment of) birth. 嬰兒出生時其父親在場. 6. There were three births at the hospital yesterday. 昨天這所醫(yī)院里有三個嬰兒出生. 7. She gave birth (to a healthy baby) last night. 她昨天晚上生了(一個健康的嬰兒). 8. He is a man of noble birth. 他出身貴族。 英英解釋: 名詞birth:1. the time when something begins (especially life)2. the event of being born同義詞:nativity, nascency, nascence3. the process of giving birth同義詞:parturition, giving birth, birthing4. the kinship relation of an offspring to the parents同義詞:parentage動詞birth:1. cause to be born同義詞:give birth, deliver, bear, have
birthn.1. 出生,誕生;分娩[C][U]The exact date of his birth is not known.他出生的確切日期無人知道。2. 血統(tǒng),家世,出身[U]He is a man of German birth.他是個德國血統(tǒng)的男子。3. 起源;發(fā)生;產(chǎn)生[U]



sober 英[?s??b?(r)] 美[?so?b?(r)]adj. 頭腦清醒的,冷靜的; 未醉的,沒喝醉的; 有節(jié)制的; 樸素的,素凈的;vt. (使) 冷靜,(使)清醒; 使嚴肅;一、詞語用法:1. sober的基本意思是節(jié)制飲食,專指不醉酒,可指在特定場合〔時間〕不醉酒,也可指習慣性的不醉酒。引申可指在緊張、興奮的情況下所表現(xiàn)出的頭腦冷靜、沉著和不受感情、偏見、恐懼或其他不合情理的行為的影響而處于冷靜狀態(tài)。2. sober可用作及物動詞,也可用作不及物動詞。用作及物動詞時,主要接人作賓語。3. 表示“(使)醒酒”,常說sober up; 表示“(使)清醒”,常說sober down。二、例句:1. The lessons learned at the cost of blood helped to sober us.(血的教訓使我們的頭腦清醒了。)2. When Dad was sober he was a good father.(不喝醉的時候,爸爸是一個好父親。)3. We should make a sober estimate of the situation.(我們對形勢要有清醒的估計。)擴展資料:sober的另外含義:sober是指粉紅佳人(Pink),是美國一位著名女歌手,她曾經(jīng)為《紅磨坊》、《霹靂嬌娃2》等影片演唱主題曲,是一個常有著驚世裝扮,性感勁酷的新世代辣妹,雖然年紀輕輕,但已被媒體贊譽為“下一個麥當娜”。自信、率真、直言不諱的Pink就是這樣一個中氣十足的女生。她以自己重節(jié)奏Hip-Hop舞曲風格和桀驁不馴的性格深受美國青少年喜愛。參考資料:百度翻譯_sober的含義
sober:冷靜,(使)清醒;使嚴肅英 [?s??b?(r)] 美 [?so?b?(r)]adj. 頭腦清醒的,冷靜的;未醉的,沒喝醉的;有節(jié)制的;樸素的,素凈的vt.& vi. (使)冷靜,(使)清醒;使嚴肅拓展資料1、I threw a bucketful of cold water over him to sober him up. 我向他身上潑了滿滿一桶冷水,讓他清醒過來。2、Are you finally giving some when sober? 你終于在清醒的時候給我點甜頭了?3、He dresses in sober grey suits.他總是穿素凈的灰西服。4、It was a room filled with sad, sober faces房間里坐滿了人,大家都一臉的憂傷和嚴肅。5、The euphoria is giving way to a more sober assessment of the situation.興高采烈的情緒不見了,取而代之的是對局面更為清醒的認識。6、I have sober personality and have high sense of responsibility.我個性審慎穩(wěn)重,具有高度的責任感。7、I hope this coffee may sober him up.我希望這杯咖啡能使他醒醒酒。8、The lessons learned at the cost of blood helped to sober us.血的教訓使我們的頭腦清醒了。9、A sober and steady type, he is meticulous and thoughtful in handling matters.這個人很沉穩(wěn),處理問題細密周到。10、The news seemed to sober him up instantly.這消息似乎立刻使他清醒了。參考資料--百度翻譯--sober
sober英 [?s??b?]美 [?so?b?r]adj. 未醉的;清醒的v. 醒酒;清醒[變形]過去分詞:sobered現(xiàn)在分詞:sobering過去式:sobered第三人稱單數(shù):sobers比較級:soberer最高級:sober擴展資料短語Sober 清醒醒酒冷靜的酒醒Sober up 清醒點醒酒清醒使清醒起來very sober 非常清醒as sober as a judge
adj. 冷靜的,清醒的;未醉的vt. 使嚴肅;使醒酒,使清醒n. (Sober)人名;(英)索伯擴展資料短語Sober up 清醒點 ; 醒酒 ; 清醒 ; 使清醒起來very sober 非常清醒Sober Music 清醒之樂Sober confidence 清醒自信puckish sober 愛惡作劇的Sober Antidote 醒酒解毒Sober Island 清醒的小島Sober space Sober空間Himself Sober 使自己清醒參考資料:sober - 百度翻譯

